Sunday, December 31, 2017

Simple Home Remedies - How To Remove Dark Circles

How To Remove Dark Circles

If you are looking for ways to get rid of dark circles around your eyes, there are many home remedies that have been around for a long time, and that is because they just work. Using several home remedies consistently can surprise you by how effectively it helps clear up dark circles and generally brighten the skin around your eyes. Getting rid of dark circles will go a long way in improving your overall appearance. You will look younger and healthier, and generally more attractive to other people. Dark circles stand out like a sore thumb and can ruin the rest of your appearance, just by themselves. So here are some home remedies you can try using that should help you. Remember, it doesn't have to be that fancy, just stay consistent!

Tomato Juice

Tomato juice and lemon juice both act as a natural bleaching agent for your skin. Try mixing some tomato juice with lemon juice and massage this into the skin around your eyes. Leave it there for about 15 minutes, and then gently wash it away with cool water. There are many benefits to this remedy, including the Vitamin C from the lemon, which produces collagen, a natural anti aging structure in your skin. Lemon juice helps to tighten the skin and also the blood vessels underneath, preventing excess buildup of fluids, which can cause dark circles and eye bags. This solution also acts as a natural cleanser, cleaning out the pores and removing dead skin cells, which makes the skin look brighter and younger overall.

This YouTube video gives several more dark circle remedies you can start using now

Egg Whites

Egg whites have natural properties that tighten the skin. This can help with wrinkles and fine lines as well as with dark circles. To get the most out of this, you will want the egg whites to be chilled from the refrigerator. The coolness constricts the blood vessels below your skin, which is a cause of dark circles. If you are also trying to get rid of eye bags, the cold helps to reduce the swelling causing them. Here is a good way to apply egg whites to the skin around your eyes. Separate two egg whites from the yolks and use either a fork or whisk to mix them up well in a bowl until they become frothy. This should only take 30 to 60 seconds. Once you have the right consistency, use a cotton ball to apply the egg whites to the skin around your eyes. If you want, you can go ahead and put this on the rest of your face. Now you will want to give this about 15 or 20 minutes to dry onto your skin. Now, gently clean the mask off with warm water, and then splash your face with cool water to help keep down any swelling that might be causing eye bags.

These are just a few home remedies for dark circles, but if used consistently, they can be very powerful and not only help with dark circles, but also provide other skin care benefits such as anti aging and help with eye bags.

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