Sunday, December 31, 2017

Simple Home Remedies - How To Remove Dark Circles

How To Remove Dark Circles

If you are looking for ways to get rid of dark circles around your eyes, there are many home remedies that have been around for a long time, and that is because they just work. Using several home remedies consistently can surprise you by how effectively it helps clear up dark circles and generally brighten the skin around your eyes. Getting rid of dark circles will go a long way in improving your overall appearance. You will look younger and healthier, and generally more attractive to other people. Dark circles stand out like a sore thumb and can ruin the rest of your appearance, just by themselves. So here are some home remedies you can try using that should help you. Remember, it doesn't have to be that fancy, just stay consistent!

Tomato Juice

Tomato juice and lemon juice both act as a natural bleaching agent for your skin. Try mixing some tomato juice with lemon juice and massage this into the skin around your eyes. Leave it there for about 15 minutes, and then gently wash it away with cool water. There are many benefits to this remedy, including the Vitamin C from the lemon, which produces collagen, a natural anti aging structure in your skin. Lemon juice helps to tighten the skin and also the blood vessels underneath, preventing excess buildup of fluids, which can cause dark circles and eye bags. This solution also acts as a natural cleanser, cleaning out the pores and removing dead skin cells, which makes the skin look brighter and younger overall.

This YouTube video gives several more dark circle remedies you can start using now

Egg Whites

Egg whites have natural properties that tighten the skin. This can help with wrinkles and fine lines as well as with dark circles. To get the most out of this, you will want the egg whites to be chilled from the refrigerator. The coolness constricts the blood vessels below your skin, which is a cause of dark circles. If you are also trying to get rid of eye bags, the cold helps to reduce the swelling causing them. Here is a good way to apply egg whites to the skin around your eyes. Separate two egg whites from the yolks and use either a fork or whisk to mix them up well in a bowl until they become frothy. This should only take 30 to 60 seconds. Once you have the right consistency, use a cotton ball to apply the egg whites to the skin around your eyes. If you want, you can go ahead and put this on the rest of your face. Now you will want to give this about 15 or 20 minutes to dry onto your skin. Now, gently clean the mask off with warm water, and then splash your face with cool water to help keep down any swelling that might be causing eye bags.

These are just a few home remedies for dark circles, but if used consistently, they can be very powerful and not only help with dark circles, but also provide other skin care benefits such as anti aging and help with eye bags.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Super Simple Ways To Remove Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

While not a huge problem, dark circles have a very negative effect on your appearance. If you have dark circles, they stand out, other people notice them, and you look older. You also probably look like you aren't healthy, aren't getting enough sleep, or don't ever go outside. While these things certainly can be contributing factors for dark circles, there can be other reasons as well. You will want to try to sleep better, get outside more, and eat better to help with dark circles. However, there are other home remedies you can do to specifically target dark circles, and you can get rid of them without too much trouble if you use these remedies consistently.

Rose Water

Rose water, which you can buy at the store, is packed with nutrients that can help with dark circles. The best thing to do is use it chilled. The cold will constrict the tiny blood vessels under your skin, reducing the appearance of the dark circles. To apply this water to your skin under your eyes, simply soak some cotton balls with it and place them over your skin for about 20 minutes. If you do this consistently at least once a day, it should help with your dark circles.


Retinol is a very powerful skin care treatment. It has anti aging effects, it can help with dark circles, and much more. Just be sure to use caution when using retinol. It is safe, however, if you haven't used it before, you need to build up a tolerance to it. Only use it a few times a week at first and gradually increase the frequency. Your skin will feel irritated when you first start using retinol, and when you feel less irritation, you will know that you are more tolerant to it. Another thing to keep in mind is that retinol makes your skin very sensitive to the sun, so you need to be absolutely sure that you use a very good sunscreen if you go outside. And try to avoid the outdoors during the sunniest part of the day if you can.

This YouTube video shows you some more home remedies for dark circles

Aloe Vera

Aloe brightens the skin up by providing nourishment and moisturizing. It is very soothing, even for sensitive skin. You can buy Aloe gel to use or you can get it directly from an Aloe plant. Either way, gently massage it into your skin and let it sit for 15 minutes. Wipe the excess off with a cotton ball after the 15 minutes. Do this once or twice a day and you should see results in a few weeks if you stay consistent.

These remedies are readily available and offer other benefits besides helping you remove dark circles under your eyes. Try using at least one of these and stay consistent and you should notice an improvement. Removing dark circles will make you look much better overall; you will appear younger and you will seem to be in much better health.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Home Remedies For Under Eye Bags

What Do You Do About Eye Bags At Home?

The bags under eyes that you are dealing with have to be taken care of as much as possible because you need to use a remedy that will be so much easier for you to handle. You can actually make it on your own, and you will be pretty happy knowing that you can get something in the house that will remove bags under eyes. You can do this pretty easily, sand you can learn how to remove eye bags that you have wanted to check on and see what works.

How Do You Make Your Own Remedies?

The remedies that you are making at home are very good to use because you have complete control over them. You have to be sure that you have figured out how you can get the remedies to work. You also have to be sure that you have chosen to do something that you know for a fact is going to be much easier for you to manage overall. You just have to be sure that you have all the ingredients when you are ready to make your remedies. You can make it pretty easy to create something that you think will make the most sense, and you can also make sure that you have made the kind of remedy that you actually think you will be able to use. If you are not really planning, you will not be able to get the results that you want.

This YouTube video gives you a few more ways to help with eye bags

Home Remedies For Under Eye Bags

The Remedies Are Easy To Use

You can store your remedies at home, and you can pull them out when you are ready. You might have had a lot problems with the way that you have handled your eyes before, and you can get rid of the bags under your eyes when you know for a fact that you have made some choices that will actually be good for you. This means you can go through all the things that you think are useful, and you can have a lot of fun making sure that you have made these basic choices.

The Design

You need to make sure that you have balanced ingredients because you want to get good things like citrus juices and yogurt into balance in your remedies. You can get something that will cover all the places where you have bags under your eyes, and you have to be sure that you have figured out to make the best version because that version will be very easy for you to look over. You also have to be sure that you have thought about what you can do to with the kind of remedies you have made. This means that you have thought about putting them under your eyes or just making sure that you have used them in the places where you have the worst problems.

The Applications

You can apply these remedies to your eyes at any time, and you have to have a sponge or swab that you can use to put under your eyes. You will be pretty happy with the way that the applications work when you pick out something that you think makes the most sense to you. You can fix up most of your problems when you do this, and you will be so much happier when you have chosen this because you know for a fact that you have the application that you need for your eyes.

How Long Do They Work?

You can get pretty instant results when you have chosen to be sure that you have the ways to get rid of your bags under your eyes. You have to use them as often as possible so that you can get results. You can make your whole body look better, and you can use these remedies under your eyes because it will make it so much easier for you to be sure that you have chosen the things that you need.

Buy Your Ingredients At The Store

The ingredients that you have chosen for the remedies have to come from the store, and you should be sure that you have looked at the store and found out what you need to get because it will be much healthier for you. You can get the organic and natural ingredients that you need, and they actually work so much better because you have chosen the best ingredients. You will start to feel like you have chosen the best way to care for your eyes, and you will also notice that you can use these eye bag remedies much more easily.

You can make it so that you will look your best, and you can make it so much easier for your eyes to look less puffy. You need to remember that you have chosen the best way to make your eyes look brand new.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Actionable Ways To Get Rid Of Bags Under Your Eyes

Tips to Remove and Prevent Eye Bags
Having bags under eyes are a problem that many individuals often face. This occurs when fluid is stored below your eyes from skin tissues weakening around them that sags, which can typically change your appearance, making you look sick, older or just not very attractive. However, you can remove bags under eyes.

There are many factors that can contribute to eye bags including stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, and more. In this article, we will discuss how to remove eye bags or prevent them from occurring in the future. 

How To Remove Eye Bags

1. Medical Procedures
There are a number of procedures that can be performed if your problem persists longer than normal or is critical. Eyelid surgery is the most common and permanent procedure for large, protruding eye bags, where a small incision is made in the lower eyelid and fluid is drained. For more mild cases of eye bags, a procedure can be done to add filler to the area below eye bags that is hollow, which can act as a camouflage, although this will not last very long. Finally, a laser can be used to tighten skin in the case of loose skin causing eye bags, which generally lasts longer. 

2. Use a Neti Pot
Using a Neti Pot is an old ancient remedy that originated in India. A Neti Pot is similar to a teapot only smaller and can be purchased online or from most stores that sell health products. Boil some warm salt water in your Neti than allow it to cool to a temperature that you can withstand, Then lean over a sink on one side and pour the mixture into one nostril allowing it to drain out the other. This will help cleanse your nostrils and surrounding areas by flushing out any excess moisture, giving you a refreshing feeling. 

This YouTube video helps you with more ways to get rid of eye bags

How to get rid of bags under your eyes

3. Cucumbers, Potato’s and Strawberries
Cucumbers, Potato’s and Strawberries are some of the many natural remedies that can be used to diminish bags under eyes. Cucumbers have enzymes and astringents that can reduce inflammation of the skin, as well as reduce wrinkles. Potatoes also contain anti-inflammatory assets as well as nutrients and vitamin C that will help reduce the swelling and puffiness you get with eye bags. Finally, strawberries contain alpha-hydroxyl, which can reduce your chances of macular degeneration, puffiness and swell from eye bags. To use, just slice into round pieces like a potato chip, then chill in the refrigerator for a few hours, and apply under eyes while lying down for at least 20 minutes and you will soon see results. 

4. Tea Bags
You can use black, chamomile, or green tea bags, all of which have the natural ingredient tannin, an anti-irritant that aids in reducing swelling and puffiness under the eyes. Put two tea bags in boiling water for a few minutes, then remove and chill in the refrigerator for a few hours next, lie down and place them over your eyes for at least 20 minutes. When done, rinse your face off with cold water and just watch the results take effect.

5. Milk
Milk contains vitamins and astringent properties that are known to naturally reduce the retaining of water. Therefore, the swelling and puffiness under your eyes will be reduced and your skin will also be lightened when using milk as a remedy for removing eye bags. Dip two cotton balls in milk; strain off the excess a little then place over your eyes for 20 minutes or more while lying down. You will notice a difference in just a few days after using this remedy daily.

6. Egg Whites
Not only will egg whites tighten the skin around your eyes with the natural properties contained, this will also help to prevent wrinkles as well. Separate two egg whites from the yolks and mix them up well in a bowl until they feel stiff. Add a few drops of Witch Hazel to the mixture to enhance its effectiveness as it also contains a skin-tightening astringent or vitamin E oil that contains antioxidants which has many benefits as well (you can also apply some Aloe Vera under your eyes that contains Vitamin E). Mix well then apply to both eyes while lying down. After 20 minutes rinse your eyes and you will be amazed how well these two work together to tighten skin and reduce wrinkles. 

Other ways to prevent or remove eye bags are reduce your salt, alcohol and cigarette intake, drink plenty of water, massage under your eyes with hot salt water, or rub ice cubes or cold spoons under your eyes, and change the way you sleep if you usually sleep on your stomach or side, to reduce water retention. To temporarily clear up eye bags you can always use a good concealer to hide dark circles.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

5 Ridiculously Easy Steps To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Around Your Eyes

Dark circles around your eyes are an unwelcome blemish, and people often are very eager to get rid of these. Unfortunately, not everyone has the best information, and some people think it is either impossible or requires very expensive treatment. However, this is not true and there are many home remedies that work well using things that you probably have laying around your home or in your kitchen.

See, dark circles appear because of the presence of blood vessels underneath the skin. This skin around your eyes is very thin; much thinner than the skin on the rest of your face, so it is more delicate, ages faster, and is more prone to develop cosmetic imperfections, such as dark circles. There are nutrients that will constrict these blood vessels, making them less visible, as well as ways to strengthen this skin and improve its elasticity, brightening the color and not allowing the blood vessels to show through. So without further ado, here some home remedies you can start using right now from the comfort of your own home:

-Vitamin C

Look to include Vitamin C in your diet. It is responsible for producing collagen, a very essential building block that keeps the skin smooth, strong, and elastic. Foods with Vitamin C include kiwi, broccoli, spinach, pineapple and many others. Try to include as much of this food in your diet as possible.


Exercising regularly is also good for keeping dark circles away. You don't have to be on some crazy aggressive workout routine, just try to get up and move around as much as you can. Sweating is good for flushing toxins out of your body and keeping your pores clean. Sedentary lifestyle is associated with dark circles as well as the other obvious issues.

-Vitamin E And Almond Oil

Try mixing some Vitamin E oil and almond oil together. Massage these into the skin under your eyes before you go to bed. Wear this all night and then wash it off the next morning with cool water. Both of these oils together are like a skin care powerhouse that will help clear up dark circles with consistent use and will produce other desirable results such as anti aging.

Here is a YouTube video the walk you through some more treatments for your eye skin
Tomato juice is a natural bleach for the skin. Mix some with lemon juice, chill the concoction, and massage it into your skin and leave it for 10 or 15 minutes, then gently wash it off with cool water. If you do this consistently, you should see your dark circles begin to disappear and your skin will look clear and younger.

-Green Tea

Green tea is excellent for your skin and contains many powerful nutrients that are good for anti aging and clearing up dark circles. The main thing it has are antioxidants which fight free radicals. Free radicals are responsible for damaging collagen, which leads to wrinkles and other blemishes, such as dark circles.

These are just a few ideas of how to remove dark circles under your eyes. There are other remedies for dark circles, but even if you just do a few of the ones mentioned above, they key is consistency.